Matvei Chernenko
Bio Food & Fuel
Matvei Chernenko is an inquiring student passionate about science, especially chemistry, particularly chemistry. He has concerns about global issues such as climate change and food insecurity, and he looks forward to helping ideate and realize innovative solutions to tackle them in his lifetime. He is the founder of Bio Food & Fuel, which aims to undertake a multi-pillared approach in tackling the joint issue of food insecurity and global cooperation.
Living in a small, industrial city for most of his life, Matvei always has seen his international education in Moscow as an opportunity to reach new heights and help people. Hei often returns to his hometown to see his ex-classmates and friends. Seeing them, Matvei then often finds himself speculating about how noticeably his life would have changed if he didn’t decide to go to study in Moscow on a totally different level of education. This education opens doors to help others who struggle, for various reasons, to grow up, but have no appropriate conditions to succeed.
In school, Matvei is a founder and member of the chemistry tournament team and has won nationwide competitions. He is also a part of the school's Student Council and school’s boarding ambassador (Student Voice). Matvei works in the Priceless Education (PLE) project as a creative director and chemistry curator, helping children from regional schools to get a more dignified education from students in strong schools. In 2024, he has been chosen by the UN Food and Agricultural Organization to be a youth presenter at World Food Forum in Rome.
Looking ahead, Matvei wishes to study chemistry and double majoring in law and philosophy in university. He believes that this combination will help him achieve the change he wishes to realize.